Bridge Piercings
It was first popular in the nineties and it's coming back. Bridge piercings are generally not painful, as they don't go through any cartilage, as they are a surface piercing. The disadvantage of this is that surface piercings have a higher rejection rate than most piercings. Healing time is 2-3 months, which is again lower than most nose piercings. Something notable with these is that bridge piercings won't work for everyone, and a piercer may turn you away if your anatomy isn't correct for it- but we have 4 others here which could be the right piercing for you!
Collarbone Piercings
Piercing aftercare is never something to ignore, especially with this one. Cool as they are, collarbone piercings are close to vital organs so infection is definitely not something you want here. Expect 6-12 weeks of healing time and some mild discomfort as you get the piercing. Aside from rejection and infection, you also run the risk of migration- make sure you speak to your piercer before you get this done.
Vertical Labret piercings
Lip piercings have come in and out of fashion over the years, but this is one that is timeless. Unlike most lip piercings, this one doesn't actually come into contact with the inside of your mouth, which means it’s cleaner and less likely to get infected. Pain is a sharp pinch for this one mostly but people do say it subsides quickly. Healing relatively quickly, this piercing only takes about 6-8 weeks, but many piercers recommend giving it a bit longer to ensure it is fully healed before changing the jewellery.
Septum piercings
One of the best piercings for most people is the septum piercing. They can be flipped up for work or school to hide it and it isn't overly painful. They heal in 2-3 months, and for the majority of people, they look symmetrical. For those with a deviated septum- go to a good piercer, as they can look a little wonky if they aren't done right!
Eyebrow piercings
Big in the early 2000s, eyebrow piercings are regaining popularity- curved barbells are the way to go, avoiding rings and twisters. They have a 6-8 week heal time and are one of the least painful piercings out there but like all the other surface piercings mentioned, they can reject more easily than piercings that go through cartilage.
This was written to be assessed as part of my Journalism course. This was in Semester 2 of Level 6 and was for the Undergraduate Major Project, where I created a (primarily) music magazine, aimed at Gen Z. Below is the page design for this article.
